Stock Market investing for Beginners: 4 Books in 1: Options Trading, Swing Trading, Forex Trading, Swing Trading with Options


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Professional traders have always lied to you!

Trading is not just a game for millionaires. Even without a lot of capital, and with just a small risk, you can start trading and make huge amounts of money. No, this is not a dream: it’s a promise. Don’t you believe me? Then keep reading.

Chances are you’ve heard about investing in the Stock Market and you see endless advertisement online promising wealth and riches. Is it really true?

The fact is that you can build significant wealth trading in the Stock Market. It’s also something you can use to quit your “day-job” and lead a life of financial independence, answer to no one but yourself. But trading also carries significant risk as well. Traders who go in blind often end up losing everything. Those online ads won’t show you those folks – but you need to know it’s possible. How can you avoid that fate?

The answer is simple. You need to know exactly what Stock Market Trading is, how it works and the proven strategies winning traders rely on to make money consistently.

Your lucky day has arrived: this book does every one of those things! Inside these pages, we are going to explain to the beginner everything they need to understand to profit from the Stock Market. By the end of this book, you will be informed and savvy when it comes to trading. We’re going to reveal all the secret techniques that winning traders use to keep money flowing into their accounts!

Some of the things we’ll cover in this 4 books in 1 bundle:

Options trading:

  • What an option is and how to buy and sell it.
  • The differences between call and put options.
  • Ways to earn income by selling options.
  • The best strategies used by professional traders to make profits.
  • Find out how you can use options in combination with ETFs.
  • Determine if options are the right choice to include in your overall investment strategy.

Swing Trading:

  • Learn what swing trading is, and how it differs from day trading and standard “buy and hold” investing.
  • Learn the psychology of professional traders: change your mindset and learn how to think big.
  • Find out the right way to read stock charts and spot trends before anyone else does.
  • Get a quick and dirty education on candlesticks.
  • Find out how to swing trade exchange-traded funds for even more profits.
  • Discover the top mistakes that new swing traders make and how to avoid them.

Forex Trading:

  • What Forex trading is and where it came from.
  • The role of the broker-dealer and intrabank trading.
  • Step-by-step explanations of how to understand currency pairs.
  • Clear explanations that help you determine how much a trade will cost, how much you can make and potential losses.
  • The safeguards you need to put in place in order to win at trading without heavy losses when you have bad trades.
  • The top indicators used by Forex traders.

Swing Trading with Options:

  • Types of trading assets, PROS and CONS.
  • 7 key strategies for getting the most out of your trading.
  • How to determine when to enter and exit a trade
  • Risk Management: 5 techniques to minimize risk and avoid losing your shirt!
  • How to swing trade with call options: where to place your stop-loss and why.
  • How to make a trading plan: analyze the situation, set your goals, reach them!

Trading in the Stock Market is fun and exciting. Simply put, it’s a great way to make money and build wealth. What are you waiting for? Find out how to get started today: scroll to the top of the page and select the *BUY NOW* button!

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Originally posted 2019-10-24 02:49:47. Republished by Blog Post Promoter

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