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Looking to conquer the stock market? Learn the only 5 questions you need to ask before buying any stock. Free of complicated jargon, this is an excellent book, especially for beginners.

This book teaches you an outstanding investing mindset that will help you invest in stocks like Adobe, Amazon, Apple, Facebook, Google, Netflix, Nvidia, or any other fast-growing company. This book teaches you a stock selection filter that shows you if a stock makes sense.

Have you ever felt stuck with trying to pick stocks in today’s fast growing tech companies? This book teaches you the 5 investing filters you need in your toolkit before you invest in stocks.

Warren Buffett is the master of Benjamin Graham’s value approach as described in “The Intelligent Investor.” This approach worked well for companies that dominated our economy 75 years ago, but the method was not updated to use on fast-growing tech companies — “The Intelligent Investor” and Warren Buffett’s application of value investing were enormously successful but this was before the Internet existed.

Today’s tech companies change rapidly. We live in the age of Alexa, Google Home, Instagram, iPhones and Tesla. Today’s companies invent fast and you need updated tools to give you a decision-making edge. This book gives you a new, simple set of filters that you can use, whether you’re a beginner or a professional.

Learn to use the 5 investing filters — questions you must ask before you buy any stock. Whether you’re a professional or a new investor, this books gives you useful tips and strategies you can apply to any stock you’re thinking of buying.

You may be thinking of buying stocks in companies like Amazon, NVIDIA, Tesla, Tencent, Disney, Alphabet, Carmax, CVS, Ferrari, Impinj, Alibaba, Microsoft, Oracle, Under Armour, Berkshire Hathaway, Uber, Facebook, Apple, Starbucks, and Nike. How do you know if they make sense? How do you know if you should say “no” to a stock?

You must figure out if a stock makes sense as an investment, but it’s hard to know without a good filter. This book teaches you 5 simple questions to ask, and takes into account your own personal understanding to help you make intelligent decisions. It even teaches you the “high-quality” and “high velocity” decision-making strategy that Jeff Bezos uses with his executive leadership team at Amazon, and it shows you how to apply it to your own stock decisions.

You will gain investing superpowers using these 5 simple filters. Invest in yourself and your future.

Make Stock Market Intelligence an essential part of your investing toolkit.

Learn the smart way to pick great stocks. You got this.

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Originally posted 2019-11-19 10:38:53. Republished by Blog Post Promoter

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