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Bacterial Pneumonia is a common disease which starts as an infection of the lungs. This disease can have serious complications and becomes life-threatening if not treated in the earlier stages. This infection of the lungs can be caused by bacteria, virus, fungus, or other micro-organisms. If the patient’s immune system is weak, they are likely to get affected and this disease can cause great damage to the system.Bacterial Pneumonia is a contagious disease. It spreads through touching contaminated objects and even by inhaling air that contains bacteria in droplets. Whenever a foreign body reaches the lungs, it fights the infection. But due to a weak immune system, the bacteria win the battle and infect the lungs. If a person is affected by cold and flu, this bacterium has a greater chance to multiply. The complications caused by this infection, if untreated, may lead to hospitalization and even death.Typical symptoms that would indicate a pneumonia infection are high fever, cough, cold, pectoral pain, sleepiness, muscular pain, and phlegm which may either be yellowish or green in colour. The symptoms experienced by the affected individual will vary depending upon the causative organism.Natural pneumonia treatment should aim to boost the immune system in order to fight off the microbe causing the infection. Natural treatment can help relieve coughing, breathlessness, fever, fatigue and sore lungs. It can be safely combined with conventional medication if required.

Originally posted 2020-01-08 00:50:03. Republished by Blog Post Promoter
Nice post.