Investing in Medical and Recreational Cannabis: Buy in Before, During and After Legalization


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States on top of states and countries on top of countries are pursuing marijuana legislation. What does this mean for pot stocks?What does this mean for cannabis investments?What does that mean for you?A blind man can see that they are going higher and higher in the long run!As liquor stores and pharmaceutical companies scramble to team up with cannabis companies, informed investors like you will have the opportunity to pick the best of the best and purchase them for pennies on the dollar. After reading, Investing in Medical and Recreational Cannabis, you may scratch your head and remind yourself that this may be the best ground floor buying opportunity you may see in your lifetime.Many people will get rich in this new trillion dollar industry. With the FDA and big pharma climbing on board, the sky is the limit. As you educate yourself in this new industry be mindful of the first mover major advantage that you enjoy now. Wall Street has not piled in yet! Major rating companies and analysts are not heavily covering the marijuana sector right now. They say it’s to speculative or it’s to early! That’s where the average investor comes in and makes a killing. We cherry pick companies now because when Wall Street gets wind of what’s happening they will run the prices up. The time for the small investor is before, during and after legalization.

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Originally posted 2019-11-12 06:06:20. Republished by Blog Post Promoter

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