Where’s the Cheapest Cannabis? A State-by-State Comparison Weed: (cannabis, marihuana, marijuana, invest, investing, stocks, forex, laws, exchanges, weed)


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As US states have legalized cannabis over the past decade, they’ve created a patchwork of small economies. These economies are governed by divergent state laws and separated by firewalls; not a single gram can legally cross state lines. Unsurprisingly, then, markets have evolved considerable differences even as they’ve developed side by side.
A new report by cannabis data firm Headset explores the differences in price that have arisen across these state markets. Looking at Colorado, Washington, Nevada, and California, the report traces price trends across various product categories.

Where’s the Cheapest Cannabis?

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Originally posted 2019-11-18 01:39:03. Republished by Blog Post Promoter

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