How To Profit From Marijuana Without Joining A Cartel: A Quick & Dirty Guide To Stocks in The Cannabis Industry.: All You Need To Begin


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Revision coming. A heads up for those of you planning to buy a copy of “How To Profit from Marijuana Without Joining a Cartel”. I am planning to release an updated version by April 2019 so you may want to hold your bucks till then. Although you can buy now if you think it is urgent and contact me for any crucial details I have added after.

The Marijuana Avalanche has started and it will bury some in money! Do you want to be part of this?


This is such a fast evolving area there is much to waste your time reading phony hyped up verse posted on the web about cannabis investing. My book attempts to cut through the bullshit by giving you my notes and research as I am seeing it firsthand as an investor/gambler. I didn’t research these companies for the book. I researched them to make some cash. The book came second. You are third. (Sorry but I said this is no BS.)

This book is a convenient guide to Cannabis companies, websites for marijuana, sources of information and ideas for finding listed companies to bet on. It has my analysis of the companies you are seeing on the web now and some you are not. This is not a long book for bedtime reading.

It is a relatively short guidebook and reference manual. The Intro chapter is the longest in the book. Most “chapters” are just a few pages because this is a user’s guide type book – not a soap opera. I am not teaching you the cannabis business. This is stock buying and selling. If you get one trade out of it that makes you a profit then we both get our money’s worth irregardless of how many pages there are. It has room on the paper edition for notes. You want a book to impress your brainy lover? This ain’t it.

It is for someone who wants to buy and sell weed stocks yesterday!


1. It is not an Intro to the Stock Market

2. It is not an Intro to Trading.

3. There are excellent books on these topics out there already.

This eBook is a compilation of the resources and research I do to buy and sell Pot stocks. You don’t need to start from the beginning. I’ve laid the basics out for you. You take it from here. GO!

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Originally posted 2019-11-16 12:04:50. Republished by Blog Post Promoter

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