A Guide to the Marijuana Rush: An introduction to the stock market and a guide to marijuana stocks


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This book was written by Ray Robinson who is a former financial advisor. He wrote this book to give the average person information on how the stock market works and how to get involved in it. This information for the most part is not taught in school, this book will target the legal marijuana industry which is expected to be worth 40 billion by the year 2020! Included will be all the tools needed to research and buy your first share of stock. Also Included will be a list of potentially good companies to research. Being that the legal marijuana industry is so new the average person can benefit, many of the companies are trading for just pennies! This is a once in a lifetime opportunity, this opportunity can change your life!!

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Originally posted 2019-11-30 23:48:27. Republished by Blog Post Promoter

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