Investing for beginners: A Step By Step Guide to Start Investing – Stock Market, Forex Trading, Futures, ETFs and Cryptocurrency: The Ultimate Guide to Getting Started

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Are you thinking of learning investing?
If you are looking for an ultimate beginners guide to learn how to invest in Stock Market, Forex Trading, Futures, ETFs and Cryptocurrency, this is your book.
What’s talk about?
In this book you can find some ideas for start investing.
We will talk about some side of investment, like Stock Market, Forex trading, Future, ETFs and Cryptocurrency.
All of them will can help you to create passive income and starting to create economic capital who you will use for bigger investment.
This book will introduce main topics with a not too specific point of view to help even beginners understand the concepts.
Difference from competition, why buy it?
There are some motivation why someone must buy this book. One of them is that this book is written with passion, therefore the concepts will be linear and transparent, with no other second purpose.
Another main reason is that an audio version of this book is available, so this book can be heard everywhere when you want, without necessarily having the physical copy with you.
Last but not least, for kindle book, you can loan it to friends or family for a duration of 14 days.
What can you learn?
-A step-by-step instruction on how to make your first trade
-What the stock market is and why it is a big opportunity if you know what to do
-Introduction to Forex
-Introduction to futures trading
-Differences between technical analysis and fundamental analysis
– How investors with small capitals can be helped by leverage
-Why it’s important to diversify a portfolio and how do it
-How to set right mindset against any losses
-A simplified dictionary with the most important terms
Perfect for:
-Anyone who wants to start investing and don’t know how to do.
-Experience investor who want to master investments with relative strategies.Frequently Asked Questions
Q: Is this book for me and do i need investment experience?
A: If you want to start investing this book is for you. No experience with markets is required. This is an introduction step-by-step guide for beginners.
Q: Can i loan this book to friends or other?
A: Yes. Through Amazon you can lend this book for a duration of 14 days

Originally posted 2019-11-21 11:34:30. Republished by Blog Post Promoter