3 Books in 1: Cannabis, CBD and Hemp Cookbook

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This is a three-part book that teaches you how to cook with three of the greatest superfood discoveries of the 21st century:
•Cannabidiol (CBD)
For several years, the government cheated all of us out of enjoying the health benefits of these superfoods.
They told us that the cannabis plant that produces these ingredients is an evil plant that can kill us and damage our brain cells. They told us that Cannabis was a health risk; ten thousand times more dangerous than cocaine and alcohol, they implied.
They banned it from our streets and homes, and we were forbidden from planting it in our gardens.
Those who dared to defile these orders were sent to the slammer for some not-so-sober reflections.
Thanks to medical researchers and brave members of the health community, they were able to challenge these fallacies – it turns out Cannabis can only be dangerous when it is smoked. Cannabis in itself is not dangerous but the inhalation of smoke can affect the lungs.
Eating cannabis, on the other hand, is safe and very beneficial for the human body. The Cannabis plant is filled with dozens of minerals, vitamins, terpenes, flavonoids, amino acids and proteins, antioxidants and fatty acids, all of which are helpful for nourishing the body and for:
•Boosting immune system function
•Prevention and treatment of cancer
•Prevention of inflammation
•Improvement of bone health
•Weight management and appetite control
•Treatment of insomnia
•Boosting mental performance and mood management
•Skin health management
The health benefits of the Cannabis plant are too numerous to mention here but you’ll find out a lot more as you go through the chapters.
It was also discovered that not all strains of the Cannabis plants can make you high as they don’t all have high concentrations of the psychoactive compound, THC, which is responsible for giving the highs.
Hemp, CBD, and Cannabis are three of the most important derivatives of the Cannabis plant and the beautiful thing is that you can incorporate these into your cooking in order to enjoy all of these amazing health benefits without exposing yourself to the risks of lung cancer from smoking it.
However, these ingredients can be very tricky to cook with if you don’t know the rules. Hemp may be easier to work with but cooking with Cannabis and CBD is an art that takes some learning and mastering.
In this book, you’ll learn:
•What Hemp, Cannabis and CBD are and the Differences Between All Three
•The Principles and Methods of Cooking with Hemp, Cannabis, and CBD
•The Health Benefits of Cooking with Hemp, Cannabis, and CBD
•Legality of Cooking with Hemp, Cannabis, and CBD.
•Will Cooking with Cannabis make You High?
•Cannabis Recipes- Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner Recipes
•Hemp Recipes – Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner Recipes
•CBD Recipes – Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner Recipes
What else? Oh, plus you get three books for the price of one- a steal right?

Originally posted 2019-11-14 08:37:28. Republished by Blog Post Promoter